
發布 進門 2024-03-23
  1. 匿名使用者2024-01-23

    To maintain a quiet and clean sanitation, seated at the door footsteps to light, not to talk loudly, don't eat the sound or the food with shell, reading should pay attention to cherish, don't figure on the above random punctuate, smear, folded plane, see acquaintances can nod, not for others to grab a seat, don't lie down on the seat, also do not smoke in the reading room, of library books, tables and chairs to take care, not arbitrary characterizations of destruction!

  2. 匿名使用者2024-01-22

    Must keep quiet and clean health, the door steps to light when seated, loud conversations don't watch, don't eat the food of the audio or shell,, care should be paid attention to when reading, don't go to the marks on the graph, daub, fold the side, see acquaintances can nod, don't take seats for others, don't lie down on the seat, don't smoking in the reading room, the library of books, tables and chairs should pay attention to take good care of, don't depict damage!

  3. 匿名使用者2024-01-21

    To keep quiet and clean sanitation, seated at the door steps should be light, not to talk loudly, don't eat the sound or the food with shell, reading should pay attention to cherish, don't figure on the above random punctuate, smear, folded plane, see acquaintances can nod to, not for others to grab a seat, don't lie down on the seat, also do not smoke in the reading room, of library books, tables and chairs to take care, not arbitrary characterizations of destruction!


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